A Metaphor for Success
Many of us are so focused on where we're going that we forget to enjoy the ride.
Imagine two types of drivers on the highway. The first driver keeps changing
lanes, trying to move ahead of everyone else. The second driver stays in one
lane, not looking for a quick way to get ahead. What's funny is that the second
driver often gets to where they're going first. They're not wasting time looking
for the fastest lane. Most people don't pay much attention to these calm
drivers. On the other hand, the first driver, who keeps changing lanes, usually
ends up in a slower lane and doesn't get very far.
So, who really gets to their destination faster? It might be the people who
aren't always trying to find a shortcut. They're not getting stuck behind slow
cars as much. Maybe both types of drivers get there at the same time, but who do
you think feels more relaxed when they arrive?
Sometimes taking your time and not looking for shortcuts can be the best way to
reach your goals. You might not only get there more efficiently, but you'll also
enjoy the journey more.
TL;DR: Slow and steady often wins the race, both on the road and in life.